Rainbow And The Worm, The: The Physics Of Organisms (3rd Edition)


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  "title": "Rainbow And The Worm, The: The Physics Of Organisms (3rd Edition)",
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  "query": "The Rainbow and the Worm Mae-Wan Ho",
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  "createdAt": "2024-10-09T01:04:42.189Z",
  "updatedAt": "2024-10-09T01:04:42.189Z",
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    "id": "ab434ce3-ac60-424c-ae84-7b695c83405c",
    "isbn13": "9789814338417",
    "isbn10": "9814338419",
    "googleId": "Ztk7DQAAQBAJ",
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    "title": "Rainbow And The Worm, The: The Physics Of Organisms (3rd Edition)",
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    "slug": "rainbow-and-the-worm-the-the-physics-of-organisms-3rd-edition-9814338419",
    "publishedDate": "2008-08-06",
    "publisher": "World Scientific Publishing Company",
    "pageCount": 409,
    "description": "This highly unusual book began as a serious inquiry into Schrödinger's question, “What is life?”, and as a celebration of life itself. It takes the reader on a voyage of discovery through many areas of contemporary physics, from non-equilibrium thermodynamics and quantum optics to liquid crystals and fractals, all necessary for illuminating the problem of life. In the process, the reader is treated to a rare and exquisite view of the organism, gaining novel insights not only into the physics, but also into “the poetry and meaning of being alive.”This much-enlarged third edition includes new findings on the central role of biological water in organizing living processes; it also completes the author's novel theory of the organism and its applications in ecology, physiology and brain science.",
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    "lastGoogleUpdated": "2024-10-09",
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    "inferredAuthor": "Mae-wan Ho",
    "createdAt": "2024-10-09",
    "updatedAt": "2024-10-09"
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