Mobile Header
Sovoli: Connecting Ideas, Advancing Knowledge
Our mission is to advance interconnected knowledge and holistic understanding of our world.
We aim to empower individuals to think better by making it easier to conduct meaningful research, share insights, and contribute to the progress of society.
This is a very early stage project, and we are still in the process of building out the core features. This front-page will be updated as we progress.
My Profile
☁️ Infra
✅ Status Page
✅ Analytics
✅ Perf Monitor
🕛 Logging
🕛 Metrics
🎨 Design System
🚩 RN Reusables: (fix style errors)
Counter is 0
🚩 SSR RN TW: (Wait on NativeWind fixup)
✅ Share screen in Expo and Next
✅ Share TW Config
✅ Dark Mode Toggle
📱 Expo
✅ Build
✅ Publish Preview to Expo Go via Github Action
✅ Show QR Code here
Expo Go QR Code
🕛 Publish to TestFlight
🎨 Mocks
My Books
✅ Routing
View Shelf
♻️ HiFi
Shelf Image
Book Details (Image, Title, Description, etc)
Authors (Image, Name, Description, etc)
Social Images
✅ Swap NextJs UI to use ts-rest for API
Swap Expo UI to use ts-rest for API
☁️ API
✅ Get user shelf by slug
✅ Get /api/v1/users/{username}
⭕️ Generate OpenAPI Spec (3.0.2 instead of 3.1.0)
🕕 putShelf - Batch Upsert inferred MyBooks on shelf
✅ /api/v1/users/{username}/shelves/{shelf-slug} - get single shelf with book count
✅ /api/v1/users/{username}/shelves/ - get list of shelves with book count
✅ /api/v1/users/{username}/shelves/{shelf-slug}/books - get list of books on shelf
✅ Paginate shelf books and shelves
🛢️ Database
✅ Db lib
✅ Db Health Check /api/health
Local Db Docker Dev
😈 ChatGPT
✅ Sovoli Book Shelf Organizer GPT - Batch Upsert of books on shelf
Sovoli Book Notes GPT - Add notes to book
💥 Explosion (Inference population)
Populate Books from title/author/isbn inference
✅ Google Books API Enrichment
OpenLibrary API Enrichment
Author table enrichment
Populate Books table from Author (all books by author must be added)
Offload to or other background job service
Passkeys Auth
username/passkeys registration
passkeys login
ChatGPT auth
TSR auth
Expo auth
📖 Notes
Proposal: Fleshing out use case
TipTap Output Render
Mermaid Integration
Video Render
Image Render with TW styles
🕛 Pull from Db