Today, after working on Sovoli, I decided to take a walk in the park.
This is the Chinese garden section of Hope Gardens.
The cost of entry is $1,000, but you get to be isolated from others where it’s very quiet.
All you can hear are birds, the rustling of tree leaves, and a water fountain.
There are a wide variety of birds, from parrots to the tiny ones I know as squits.
The gout flare has left my right foot sore, but I’m able to walk around slowly. This has allowed me to enjoy the scenery, the trees, and the fauna along with the Chinese architecture.
The gardens were closed after the hurricane, but now they’re slowly cleaning up and reopening.
I found a nice table with some water in front, with the fountain in the distance.
It is interesting, as I sit and try to practice what Eckhart Tolle talks about in his book The Power of Now, that I saw something written on the table:
You are never alone or helpless. The force that guides the stars guides you too.
It is interesting that whoever wrote these words here left a form of energy that can transfer to others without any more subtraction of energy from the writer.
How words can be written and multiply their energy as they are.
Maybe this is why the holy books like the Bible talk so much about “the word.”
The force that guides the stars can be looked at as just angular momentum if going at it from the physics perspective.
But others in the field will tell you about the transfer of energy to all sorts of forms.
The bioscience guys can tell you how high-level kinetic energy can be converted to vibrations, and the vibrations of molecules are what we call heat.
This low-level kinetic energy can be converted to light.
Light can be converted to electric and chemical energy, such as what the eyes do in phototransduction.
So, this guiding force is all around us.
Is it energy?
Or does it manifest as energy?
Do we try to understand it? Can we understand it? Should we understand it? Or just let it guide us?
Life has taught me one thing: there is always an opposing force.
Yin or yang in spirituality. Feedback loops in bioscience. Newton’s ideas in physics. Negative and positive thoughts and feelings in psychology.
So which force is doing the guidance?
Are there people who are out meditating in nature and are guided into destructive behaviors, such as murder, theft, etc.?
Or is the force out there more skewed towards the positive aspect of human nature?
Sure, there is the hunter and the hunted in this natural cycle, but higher-order life forms such as the American Indians respect life taken for food.
Some people who run homesteads will thank the animal for its service, rationalizing it as providing a safe and happy life for the animal, then giving it just one bad day.
I also hear some animals respect life in this manner, where they only hunt when hungry. Predator and prey can be friends. Then there are predators who hunt for fun. Cats are known for this. I even had a dog who killed animals for fun, but this behavior was entrained into him by his previous human owner.
I would like to learn and understand more about this force that guides everything, how it achieves balance, and what the systematic rules of balance are.
If we do not understand how a scale works, then how can we talk about balance?