The mental illness diet

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Skipping vegan, keto, carnivore and exercise to reverse physical illness through understanding of the mind

When one begins to take health seriously, it is usually due to a forcing function. In my case it was due to a CT scan detecting small clots in the lungs and spending days in the hospital with doctors running around in circles. This lead me to investigate from a medical perspective.

When investigating medicine, it starts with the drugs themselves. I wanted to know how they worked, for example how does anticoagulants, statins, metformins worked. I wanted to know how the side effects worked too since I was experiencing shaking and low blood sugar on some of those medications.

Glucose Control

Let’s look at the type 2 diabetes system as that was the easiest one to target. It can be easily measured with glucose meters at home.

This can lead us into an highly reductionist approach as we will only be tracking 1 out of thousands of variables or molecules in the blood that are all interrelated.

It is easy to track because we can directly impact the values with what we eat. You can take your glucose before eating an ice cream, then every 15 minutes after eating to see its effects and trends. This is the basics of how anyone of us can start with glucose control in a scientific way.

I remembered I used to do this with my father to compare how we handled different foods as at the time the belief was that some people processed different carbs in different ways. So comparing results with others who we can question and determine if their lifestyle is close to ours is one of the purest and highest form of science there is for humans. Biological systems varies depending many variables such as where you are on the planet, time of year, job and ancestry.

When trying to control for glucose levels, the easiest way to manipulate the system is through what we put in our bodies, primarily our mouths. Therefore we start with the drugs and diet.

The medical abstinence diet

I had to learn what the doctors learnt before they got to medical school, which is a field of study called biochemistry. This is a study of how compounds interact with each other in living systems.

The biochemistry of medicine did not work for me as it was interfering with the tests on the diets so I removed them all. This removal came with anxiety as the doctors instilled fear into us for us to become dependent upon their products for life. Fear that glucose or cholesterol will damage us, while their drugs itself shows damages as side effects.

The biochemistry also showed how it is disrupting natural biological systems. I learnt this by studying what’s called the drug’s “mechanism of action” and then opening up a “biochemical pathways map” and tracing the operations that were disrupted. Asking more and more questions such as:

  1. Where in nature is this compound found naturally?

  2. If it is dependent upon a process, what input is it disrupting?

  3. Where is that input now going since the drug is utilizing its process/pathways?

  4. Where is the output going? Is it interfering with other processes?

These questions cannot be found in science papers or journals as the researchers who write those are dishonestly in favor of a positive outcome of the drug. So they will downplay all negative operations.

So as an engineer, the trade offs from a fundamental and systems perspective did not play out for my best interest.

The most interesting thing I took note of was how the entire process made me feel. How the doctors were able to control the mental and emotional states for being dependent upon the drugs.

The low sugar diet

I was already removing bread, rice and anything that was spiking my glucose readings. This included fruits, but that never sat well with me as my environment is filled with fruits and I love the thing. So while I can stop eating the processed man made flour based things, I never felt ok that I may never be able to eat fruits again.

My diet shifted to more greens where I tried nothing but vegetarian for a week before I craved meat. I added back in things like eggs, tuna, etc.

I saw my diet shift again, but to low carb vegetables and meat. It turns out that this was a diet called low carb, or ketogenic, where there is a wide community around.

This is a community will well known entertainers who make their money from consultations, conferences and content monetization. Very similar to the vegan community and the medical community.

All of them telling us one sided information.

When we chase this glucose number, we begin to run into problems as we start to learn of many other related molecules that impact glucose. The topic under biochemistry is called “glucose homeostasis” and so I heard about insulin resistance.

But homeostasis basically means how the body regulates something to maintain a natural balance. When glucose in the blood goes up, the pancreas senses this and releases insulin that instructs the cells to let the glucose in, therefore reducing blood glucose.

The low carb community will also use the other side of this equation to tell us we do not need glucose. This part of the process happens when blood glucose is low, the pancreas also senses this and releases a hormone called glucagon which tells the liver to produce and release stored glucose into the blood.

So while this is true that we produce glucose from fats and or protein, but at what energetic cost?

Each group will look at whatever molecule they want to sell and vilify, then tell a story of how good and bad they are. While all of that is true, they are half truths.

These diet groups also operate from feelings and emotions, they will reprogram the mind through the algorithms, repetitions, charisma with half truths, to instill the same mental mechanisms that the medical system does.

Carbs are feared, high cholesterol is revered, fat is king, so eat no fruit and consume more meat. It can become extreme where fibre is vilified so the only thing that one can consume is meat.

This is referred to as the carnivore diet, which I’ve tested for 8 months with blood works that showed trade offs of good and bad values.

When we drop the carbs, the other fuel substrate should be fats. But I live in the tropics, the animals do not get fat here naturally.

When I mentioned this to a cholesterol group, I’ve seen the influencer types such as Amber O Hearn telling me that I should find farms where they feed the animals grain as that will fatten them up.

This is a lady who is invited to give talks and people follow her. This shows that these people lack a certain level of intelligence and knowledge of how things should work. They would rather consume an artificially fattened animal, so they can stick to an ideology of eating more fats, rather than question why the animal cannot get fat in my country.

It works different in their environment. Their animals can get fat because they face winters. In the tropics, the animals just cannot get fat on grass.

The ideological reasoning here shows more of a psychological and mental issue of attachment of identity to ideas rather than seeking to understand how it works.

The sunlight diet

Now that my natural environment has told me that I cannot eat the way of the low carb ideology, I needed to figure out why.

My environment is all fruits, tubers and lean animals. Why? When can I start eating fruits then?

In that same cholesterol group were a few guys who studied light, one of which is a photobiologist named Alan and another named Dominik. These guys were explaining that the sunlight that caused the environment to produce this amount of fruit, is also preventing the animal from getting fat.

The sunlight is helping us to “handle” the glucose as there are many mechanisms at play between light and matter.

I came across another man who was talking about this, named Jack Kruze who wrote many things but is also kind of like a cult leader with many followers who seem to know a bit more than the nutrition and biochemistry guys. So they will talk about blue light and electromagnetic frequencies as overriders of food and exercise.

There is also truth to this but just as with diets, there is a mental illness issue being instilled in us using the same mechanisms of the other sectors. A fear mechanism and dependency upon their content and coaching.

So while some foods can be bad, some lights can be bad, some electromagnetic frequencies can be bad, and this is what they use to begin the early stages of madness.

Madness of becoming attached to their ideologies and attachment of our identities to those ideas. Madness of the programming our beliefs to be aligned with theirs.

Madness of not having any thoughts for ourselves by having it placed there in our own minds by them. When the thoughts are there our actions follow along closely. And we continue to go back to these prophets for more fuel to continue strengthening the belief.

The mental illness diet

When we get to this stage, we turn to the mind. We turn to psychologists and spiritual teachers. We will learn about how beliefs are formed and broken, what the conscious and subconscious is, how the thoughts are not ours.

The thoughts, feelings and beliefs can override biochemistry and biophysics. This is why the medical field fears the placebo and nocebo effect. This is where the mind can heal you if you believe the drug works and just as much as it will not work if you believe it will not work.

This is where you will learn why at every stage of the journey, the overarching issue is a mental illness issue. False beliefs placed there by someone wanting you to follow them so they will eventually sell you something.

This behavior causes socially dysfunctional behavior as the group will employ destructive behaviors for control and division. They use fear of a thing to cause dis-ease. This leads to eating in ways that is unintuitive. Or living in ways that does not match your environment.

When I have unlearnt all that I have learnt in medicine, nutrition, biochemistry, biophysics and even psychology itself, then that is a state where I will be completely detached from ideas of other men who are not my ancestors, who are not from my environment, who are not me.

This includes the phone as that is a primary cause of mental health issues.

The mental illness diets are all diets that man made up for you to follow. The vegan, the keto, Mediterranean, carnivore, blue light, EMF and the many others.

The right diet

The right diet is the one that my internal systems are signaling to me.

All actions will be in sync with the environment when the body, mind and the third component beyond that matches up.

If I wake up, and I feel like I want to take a walk, I’ll take a walk, if I come across a fruit tree, I’ll eat fruits. If I feel like I want meat, I’ll go to my fridge or head to the meat market and look for very specific meats that I feel for. If I want to swim, I’ll go swim. If I want to read a book, I’ll stand in front of my books and feel for what I want to know.

It is to strip away all beliefs and attachments to be able to listen to the internal signals.

Researching: Ego, Belief Systems

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